The Challenge of Jewish-Zionist Power in an Era of Global Struggle (DVD Video)

  • Mark Weber


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DVD Video, 68 minutes
Stock Number: D106

An eloquent , inspiring address by the director of the Institute for Historical Review, at an IHR meeting in New York, July 16, 2005.

While the United States and Israel increasingly regard the rest of the world as "out of step," says Weber, most of humanity views the US and Israel with “mounting distrust, hostility and fear.” What is emerging is “a new bi-polar world, with the United States and Israel on one side, and the rest of the world on the other.”

By supporting Israel and its policies, Weber says, “the United States betrays not only its own national interests, but the principles it claims to embody and defend.”

“Through the Jewish-Zionist grip on the media, and the organized Jewish-Zionist corruption of our political system,” Weber stresses, we Americans “are pressured, seduced, cajoled, and deceived into propping up the Jewish state, providing it with billions of dollars yearly and state-of-the-art weaponry, and even sacrificing American lives.” At the same time, “Americans have permitted people who regard them with profound distrust to play a major role in determin­ing how we live our lives, and in determining our future both as individuals and as a nation.”

Regardless of the particular causes or principles that most move us, that are closest to our hearts,” he says, no task is more urgent than breaking the Jewish-Zionist grip on American political, social and cultural life. At the conclusion of his address, the audience gave Weber a standing ovation. Among the issues he tackled during the question and answer session that followed was the impact of Holocaust revisionism in academic life, and recent developments in the ordeal of political prisoner Ernst Zundel.

Also available as an Audio CD
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